A boy (3 to 4 year old) named “Hooshyar” is the hero of story. He is a smart and curious boy. His parents made a box to entertain him and called it the Joorvajoor Box. They want to develop the child’s five senses using the Joorvajoor Box and show him the world around.
He is going to become familiar with a food, animal or object in each episode. Hooshyar has to spin the wheel next to the box to draw curtains then push the white button so lights slowly down. Father puts an object inside the box and asks Hooshyar to close his eyes and touch the object to recognize what it is and say how he feels simultaneously. Then by pushing the green button he can hear different voices come out of the box. He also can find out about weight of the object by pushing a lever sticking to the box. At the end, he is able to see the shadow of the object by drawing the curtain and turning on the light. Once Hooshyar could not be able to realize what the object is, then his parents pull the object out of the box and explain about that object to Hooshyar to get know.