The fascinating animated series “Holy Commanders” has been produced in 23 episodes. The main story of each episode of the series of Holy Prophets is taken from the Holy Quran and it is tried to portray the lives of some of the prophets for teenagers.
Prophet Samuel
Sovereignty of Prophet Saul
Sovereignty of Prophet David
The Battle of David and Goliath
Sovereignty of Prophet Sulaiman
Educational Points:
Introduction to Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH)
Introduction to Prophet David (PBUH)
Introduction to Sovereignty of Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH)
Introduction to Sovereignty of Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH)
Introduction to Prophet David (PBUH) and Goliath
Production Team
Executor: Hoor Animation Studio
Producer: Saba Animation Center
Project Manager: Shahab Kasraei
Product Manager: Reza Taghadosi
Director: Amir Mohammad Dehestani
Writer: Reza Taghadosi
Religious Expert: Dr. Seyed Mohsen Mirbagheri
Storyboard Designer: Hamid Ghalijari
Designing Crew: Hamed Sharifi, Hamid Ghalijari
Character Designer: Amir Mohammad Dehestani
Scene Designer: Hamed Sharifi
Scene Modelling: Sina Behmanesh, Behrooz Parsi, Keyvan Shadanfar, Ali Jafari
Layout & Lighting: Sepehr Jafari, Ali Jafari
Computer Graphic Supervisor: Arad Peykanfar
Computer Graphic Group: Ali Jafari, Sina Behmanesh, Majid Aminian, Majid Mohammadi, Hamid Alikhani, Keyvan Shadanfar, Sepehr Jafari, Behrooz Parsi