The Chairman of Saba Animation Center had a positive opinion during his visits from animation production process at Hoor and evaluated a hopeful perspective for animation works.
As reported by Sima Information Base, Mr. Mohammad Rahimi Livani said “Hoor Animation Studio which cooperates with Saba Animation Center makes the valuable animations for that center.” He added “We hope more cooperation and interaction between Hoor and Saba during this year and animation products have a progress either in quality and quantity.”
In this visit that Saba managers accompanied Mr. Livani, The Chairman of Saba Animation Center described production capacity of Hoor over current production of our country and stated that “this year it is expected that Hoor Studio will takes up to 30 percent out of Saba’s orders.”
In the following, Mr. Kasraei (Member of the Board of Directors) and Mr. Taghadosi (CEO) at Hoor Animation Studio also declared their pleasure for this meeting and had good news about increasing animation productions.
It should be mentioned that programs “Holy Prophets”, “Life Skills”, “Great Scientists”, “Proverb”, “Our Ironical Life”, “The Secrete of Shafa Jungle”, “Kalila & Friends”, “Variety Box”, “Fandoq Jungle” and so likes are the examples of Hoor Animation Studio that made as the order of Saba Animation Center.